Case Study for Qibao Ancient Town
Release date :2008-11-28 Views: 1777

November 28th, 2008, the MPCH group headed to the Qibao ancient town for the first case study. This study composed of presentation of local government, site-visit, and on-site Question and Answer.


Followed by the resource person’s presentation on the protection and development planning for the ancient town, a heated discussion was carried out among the representatives from local government and participants from MPCH program. It helped with a better understanding of the conservation status of the site. A guided tour and a free exploration of the ancient town offer were organized to know more about the local architecture, traditional customs, and so on. The MPCH participants got chances to contact with local residents to learn more about their attitude towards conservation and development. Afterwards, the participants summed up their feelings and questions derived from the visit , and shared our resource people in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere at the end of the day.


Case study is an important part of MPCH, in order for the participants to feedback what they had learned and practice in a real context. The experience and knowledge from our MPCH participants in a variety of backgrounds help each other to complete basic theories and assist the local authorities to review their work in different angles.


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