The Second Field Study to Wulingyuan is Completed
From:QIU Renjian   PublishDate:2017-08-10  Hits:3323

From 10-15 August 2017, the second field study was led by Professor Han Feng with 12 researchers (hereafter refers to “the Research Group”). The Research Group went through the implementation of urban planning at different level, conducted in-depth interviews with the Wulingyuan district government, and connected project data from the locals and tourists by the questionnaires.

The Research Group is supplemented with field visit to the Wulingyuan core zone to seek the potential attributes of the World Heritage property, and reached the boundary of the buffer zone. The residential areas within the core zone was also investigated, short interview was taken on site. By the coordination of the Heritage Office, the Research Group conducted in-depth exchanges with Heritage Management Bureau, Urban and rural planning administration, Land and Resources Bureau, housing construction bureau, Cultural Bureau, Tourism Bureau and other planning relevant departments of local government. Talks aimed at understanding the situation and problems of the specific Planning and their implementation, the way leading to sustainable development. Besides, management systems would be studied by interviews and documents.

In addition, The Research Group made some pre questionnaire survey randomly within the scope of the residents, tourists, tourism practitioners and administrators in the spare time during the field Investigation, which laid a solid foundation for formal questionnaire survey and later project summary.

The investigation team took a group photo in the core area of Wulingyuan Heritage Site

Director Hu Xinhua introduced the surrounding conditionsof Baihutang water sources near Yixiantianscenic spot to the investigation team


The boundary marker of Wulingyuan

The investigation team interviewd with Villagers in Xiaping, Yuanjiajie

The administrationstaffs of Zhangguan Bureauintroduced the basic conditions of the core area of the Wulingyuan Heritage Site to the investigation team.

The investigationteam interviewed with Villagers in Yixiantian Scenic spot

The investigationteam conducted a survey on tourists in the core area of Wulingyuan

The investigationteamconducted document collection and interviewed with administrative staffs in Wulingyuan Forestry Bureau

The visiting team investigated the situation of the resettlement site of Tianzishan

The investigation team conducted document collection in Wulingyuan heritage office

Wang Ke, the deputy director, patiently explained to the investigation members

Director Hu Xinhua led the investigationteam to visit Yuanjiajie

The investigation team interviewed with the boss ofNo. 5 Valley homestay

The investigation team discussed the resettlement of residents at Yanmen Fireproof Observatory with the director, Hu Xinhua

The visiting team investigated the current situation of rural tourism and Pueraria cultivation in Zhonghu

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