National Standards for "China cultural heritage Logo" to be Implemented
  PublishDate:2011-03-26  Hits:2429
Recently, General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China(AQSIQ) and Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China(SAC) jointly issued the recommended national standard for "China cultural heritage Logo" (GB/T25601-2010). The standard, specifying the form, content and ratio of China cultural heritage logo, will be officially implemented on April 1st, 2011.

The China cultural heritage Logo, with sunbirds adornment unearthed in Chengdu Jinsha Ruins in 2001 as its main design prototype, was launched by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage in 2005 and has been widely introduced to all kinds of public service and some commercial areas concerning cultural heritage protection, publicity, press and publishing in China. However, due to a lack of specified codes and standards, the logo has been used in disorder. To this end, the Cultural Heritage Information Center, commissioned by the National Standardization Committee, initiated the draft of national standard for "China cultural heritage logo", to provide a standardized guidance for the graphic style and application norms of the logo.

The standard defines the forms and constitutions of China cultural heritage logo in Chinese Pinyin and in English, as well as its front and background colors. It also accurately describes the proportion and distribution pattern of each element of the logo, laying a most practical and operational foundation for the implementation of the standard. The standard will facilitate the protection and management of China cultural heritage logo, and help to promote its use.
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