National Working Meeting of Category 2 Centers in Beijing
From:WHITRAP Shanghai   PublishDate:2014-02-18  Hits:2761

A working meeting of all Category 2 Centers in China was held in Ministry of Education by Chinese National Commission for UNESCO in the morning of February 28, 2014. Mr. Du Yue, Secretary-General of the Commission chaired the meeting and about 30 representatives from 8 Chinese category 2 centers attended the meeting, including Professor Zhou Jian, Secretary-General of WHITRAP and directors of three branch centers.

Mr. Du put forward new requirements for each center with an eye on the new C2C Strategy of UNESCO, followed by a reflection on their current problems by each center. Su Hua, Xue Zhijian and Li Xin introduced the situation of three centers separately and Secretary-General Zhou Jian gave a report on the six-year work of the center. Secretary-General Du Yue, after listening to the report, urged WHITRAP to concentrate on the upcoming evaluation and gave some detailed requirements of the work.

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