‘Urban Rings – Exploring Shanghai’ Heritage Promotion Series Activities – ‘Visit Duolun Road Cultural Celebrities Street’ Event Successfully Launched in October
  PublishDate:2017-11-10  Hits:4325
On 21 October 2017, ‘Visit Duolun Road Cultural Celebrities Street’, the second program of a series of heritage promotion activities was successfully launched on North Sichuan Road and Duolun Road Cultural Celebrities Street in Shanghai. ‘Urban Rings - Exploring Shanghai’, a charitable promotion project for cultural heritage, is jointly sponsored by Tongji University College of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP), the World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia and Pacific Region (WHITRAP) and Shanghai Song Ding Social Public Welfare Innovation and Development Center.


The event is planned and implemented by the volunteers of ‘Urban Rings’ from CAUP and ‘Gongyi Qichen’ project team from Shanghai Song Ding Social Public Welfare Innovation and Development Center. Lasted for about three hours, the activity started with a novel form of games. Under the guidance of volunteers, nearly 30 families grouped into four teams participated in the activity. They traveled along North Sichuan Road to Duolun Road Cultural Celebrities Street, learning about old buildings, and historical and cultural heritage sites in Shanghai; feeling the changes of the city; understanding the history of the city; and inheriting our cultural heritage. This is exactly the purpose of the events of ‘Urban Rings’.


On the afternoon, volunteers and participant families gathered at the entrance of Pinault Printemps Redoute (Hongkou District), No. 1688 North Sichuan Road, where the challenge started. The warm-up activity, ‘finger-guessing with the evil’ game, came first before the hike, children got the meaning of collaboration which helped them to perform better in the next section.

In the hiking section, volunteers from College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, including YE Zitong, FENG Yarong, QIAO Yu, YANG Binru, WANG Jiang and Wang Yueli, told the stories of the six historic buildings (the Xue’s Mansion, the Hongde Temple, the Yuqing Lane, North Sichuan Road, the Yongle Lane, and the Yokohama Bridge) respectively at the corresponding locations. Teams commuted between various locations while completing the corresponding missions, they could win extra points by accomplishing the treasure hunt missions on the assignment paper. The team with the highest total score won the victory.

During the walk and the completion of the missions, the children showed their talents as they painted the Shikumen vividly. In the subsequent activities of photo taking with the statue of Mr. LU Xun and the treasure hunt of ‘finding the domer’, children’s enthusiasm was aroused. In the process of finding the Wenbo Hall, although participants encountered some difficulties (by the development of the Wenbo Hall, the outside plaque doesn’t exist, and there is only one plaque hidden inside). However, everyone kept searching, and finally accomplished the mission, which gave children a sense of achievement.
Finally, everybody gathered again at the gate of Pinault Printemps Redoute (Hongkou District), No. 1688 North Sichuan Road, and a statistical evaluation of the scores of each team was conducted. This brought a successful close to the tour of Duolun Road Cultural Celebrities Street in Shanghai.


Yongle Lane

Hongde Temple

No.66 Duolun Road


In this event, volunteers led children and their parents through North Sichuan Road and Duolun Road to appreciate and understand various historical buildings. Through the interaction between people and built environment, and charitable challenges, children’s awareness of protecting cultural heritage is cultivated naturally. This event indicated the principle that the series of activities of ‘Urban Rings - Exploring Shanghai’ is based on. This series of activities lets children walk into the architectural culture of Shanghai that has been passed on for more than one hundred years, integrating entertainment into education, and makes the culture and customs of this city deeply engraved in people's minds.

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