Training Workshop on Heritage Impact Assessment in Southeast Asian Context: Principles, Methodology and Mitigation Measures
Release date :2024-03-11 Views: 4449
Apr. 22-26, 2024

SEAMEO Regional Centre for Archaeology and Fine Arts (SEAMEO SPAFA)
Department of National Heritage under the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture of Malaysia (JWN)

World Heritage Institute of Training and Research in Asia and the Pacific Region, Shanghai (WHITRAP Shanghai)

At present Southeast Asian countries have carried on a number of infrastructure construction projects in order to support industrialization, tourism and economic development. These projects were done within heritage sites or around their precincts. On the one hand the projects are considered essential as they are expected to provide a well-being or better quality of life for the  people who live there or of the whole nation. However, the projects may also intervene or cause negative impacts to heritage sites not only during the construction period but post-construction in the long term. Notably it will be even worse if some impacts make irreversible changes or damages to the heritage sites. Furthermore, the confrontation between heritage conservation and these kinds of projects has always happened and led to social conflicts.

As a result, the heritage impact assessment or HIA conceptualized from environmental impact assessment known as EIA was developed to provide a methodology that is credible, scientific, systematic and acceptable among stakeholders, to analyse and assess the impact of the soon-to-be-built projects to the value of the heritage. Through HIA the consultation among stakeholders to agree on the implementation of the projects and mitigation measures in various stages of the projects will be included.

Unlike in Europe, HIA does not clearly exist in the legal system of Southeast Asian countries. Somehow HIA is a small part within environmental impact assessment which has not been given serious attention by officials involved, thus becoming a weakness/watershed of conservation because the heritage can be legally devalued or damaged. Therefore, World Heritage Committee raised the impact assessment of construction/development projects to heritage sites in Southeast Asia.

As such, in order to introduce and support the implementation of HIA in the heritage legislation framework of the countries in Southeast Asia, the training workshop on heritage impact assessment for relevant professionals is needed. 

• Provide knowledge in developing and promoting heritage impact assessment including principles, methodology and mitigation measures 
• Raise awareness on the necessity of heritage impact assessment when large-scale projects are to be conducted
• Increase the recognition of community participation as one of the important parts of heritage impact assessment
• Promote and support heritage impact assessment to be included in heritage legislation framework in Southeast Asia

Course Structure
The course is a 5-day course with a half-day excursion that will take place both in classrooms and on-site. The maximum number of participants will be limited to 25 people, with at least 11 slots reserved for the SEAMEO member states.

Dr Hatthaya Siriphatthanakun
Senior Specialist in Cultural Heritage Management
Ms Supitcha Sutthanonkul
Email: HIA-2024@seameo-spafa.org

Ms. LI Hong
Project Director, WHITRAP Shanghai
Email: h.li@whitr-ap.org

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