Previous forums review
  PublishDate:2009-05-23  Hits:2942
Volume 1: October 18, 2008
Topic: The Search for a Standardized System of Heritage Protection—Dialogue Between Different Government Ranks

At the beginning of the forum, former Deputy Director of the Department Urban Planning of the Ministry of Construction, Mr. Wang Jinghui, gave an overview of the efforts that went into the creation of The Protection of Historical and Cultural Village Policy. Afterwards Deputy Director of the Shanghai Urban Planning Bureau Mr. Wu Jiang realisitically evaluated the legal, regulatory, and operational importance of local governments in determining heritage conservation laws. The former mayor of Zhouzhuang Village, Mr. Zhuang ChunDi, told of his experiences and how Zhouzhuang village, without any form of government protection or funds, became China’s first water town in a little over a decade.

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Mr. Wang Jinghui                                               Prof. Ruan Yisan, Mr. Du Xiaofan, Prof. Zhou Jian

Comments from Director of the National Bureau of Relics Mr. Shan QiXiang:
“The positive attitude of today's in-depth discussion is quite a surprise. I am delighted to have participated this forum, and I will be sure to come again the next time I am in Shanghai.”


Prof. Wu Jiang, Mr. Shan Jixiang, Mr. Wang Jinghui, Mr. Zhuang Chundi

Volume 2: November 24, 2008
Topic: How to Achieve World Heritage Status?—The Current State of China's World Heritage Declaration and Management.


The former Deputy Director of Ministry of Urban Construction, Mr. Wang FengWu, talked about the processes, departmental allocation, and international cooperation necessary for the selection and management of World Heritage sites in China. He also spoke on the low rates of participation amongst local residents, as well as public relations problems in international organizations. Professor Zhang Song and Associate Professor Han Feng discussed problems in applying for World Heritage status, such as problems in representation and standardized assessment.

At the end of the forum, Professor Wu Zhiqiang presented Mr. Wang Fengwu with a letter of appointment naming him as a Guest Professor of WHITR-AP. This was the first such certificate awarded by the center.

                                               Mr. Wang Fengwu                                         Communications               Mr. Wang Fengwu appointed as a Guest Professor

Volume 3: December 10, 2008
Topic: "A Tale of Two Cities" in Protection: Beijing v.s. Shanghai


"Cities" author and Xinhua News Agency senior correspondent Wang Jun reported from a unique perspective by describing the Beijing Courtyard from a historical point of view. His aim was to show how regulations and property rights play significant roles in the heritage protection. Meanwhile, Professor Sun Shiwen, who grew up in Shanghai’s Nong Tang region, experienced firsthand the problems currently occuring in the protection of Shanghai’s Longtang, such as the issue of property rights. He explores how historical buildings may fit the needs of today’s residents.


       Mr. Wang Jun                                                                  Mr. Sun Shiwen                           

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