The Twelfth Session:"From 'Contradiction' to Coexist - Exploring the Harmony between the Heritage Conservation and Tourism Development"
From:WHITRAP Shanghai   PublishDate:2011-11-07  Hits:4321

In the evening of October 27 2011, the Twelfth Session on "From 'Contradiction' to Coexist - Exploring the Harmony between the Heritage Conservation and Tourism Development" was held successfully in WHITRAP Shanghai. The Forum was hosted by Dr. LI Xin, Director of Research Unit in WHITRAP Shanghai. Professor YAN Guotai, from Architecture and Urban Planning College of Tongji University, Professor JU Shiyue, from East China University of Science and Technology Landscape Department, Pofessor LOU Jiajun, Dean of Tourism Department of the East China Normal University, LIN Jiajun, Leader of Jiangsu Tongli Ancient Town Protection Office, and HUAI Hongxia, Deputy Director of Tourism Development and Ancient Town Conservation Committee, attended the forum and delivered​​ vivid speeches respectively. With the topic, the forum extends in-depth exchanges and discussions about the various conflicts and issues encountered in the process of heritage protection and development. The collision of ideas between heritage management scholars and doers led to a strong audience response and interaction. (More information please refers to the abstracts in the website "WH Forum".)

Professor YAN Guotai

Mr.YAN Guotai

Professor JU Yueshi

Mr.JU Yueshi

Professor LOU Jiajun

Mr.LOU Jiajun

Director LING Gangqiang

Mr.LING Gangqiang

Vice Director HUAI Hongxia

Ms.HUAI Hongxia

Group Photo

 Group Photo

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