Nordic World Heritage Foundation (NWHF)
From:WHITRAP Shanghai Author:LI Hong  PublishDate:2013-06-03  Hits:3062

Nordic World Heritage Foundation (NWHF) was established in 1996 with the objective of supporting the implementation of the World Heritage Convention in the Nordic Countries and supporting the World Heritage Committee in the follow up of the Global Strategy. It became a foundation in 2002 and was estabjished as a Category 2 Centre under the auspices of UNESCO.


The main purposes of the foundation are to:

l. act as a focal point bringing Nordic countries together in their collective attempt to better implement the Convention;

2. support the World Heritage Centre by facilitating technical expertise, disseminating information and

contributing to innovative projects;

3. mobilize funds from bilateral, multilateral and private sources and facilitate assistance for natural and cultural World Heritage conservation efforts in developing countries.


The NWHF strategy for 2010 - 2014 identifies three strategic objectives:

1. Promotion of sustainable development through tourism;

2. Strengthening of the Periodic Reporting Tool;

3. Implementation of the UNESCO Integrated Comprehensive Strategy for Category 2 Centres.


In 2009, WHITRAP and NWHF has signed a Memorandum of Understanding ( MOU), while on May 29, 2013, Prof. ZHOU Jian, represented WHITRAP and Ms. Anne-Kristin ENDRESEN, represented NWHF signed a 3-year  cooperation agreement attached to MOU in Shanghai.
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