Recruitment for Part-time English Translator or Proof-reader
From:WHITRAP Shanghai   PublishDate:2011-10-24  Hits:2022

Introduction to WHITRAP

The World Heritage Training and Research Institute for the Asia and the Pacific Region (WHITRAP) is a Category II institute under the auspices of UNESCO. It was the first international organization in the field of world heritage to be established in a developing country. Mandated by the State Parties of the World Heritage Convention and other State Parties of UNESCO, the institute was founded to promote the conservation and development of World Heritage in the Asia and Pacific Region.

WHITRAP has three branches: one in Beijing, another Shanghai, and the third in Suzhou.

The Shanghai Centre at Tongji University focuses on the conservation of cultural heritage, such as the sustainable development of ancient towns and villages, architectural sites, architectural complexes, and cultural landscapes.

The Beijing Centre at Peking University is in charge of natural heritage conservation, archaeological excavation, and management of the sites’ cultural landscape.

The Suzhou Centre, hosted by Suzhou Municipal Government, provides technical training and researches site management methods and restoration techniques.



Part-time Translator or Proof-reader

Working place is not limited. The work can be done by email.


Mother Language: English

Only to USA, UK, and Canada foreign students

Priority gives to those who can read and write Chinese

Job Description

Translate or Review all kinds of English documents.

Amount of work depends on the situation. It can be discussed before work.

Payment and Benefit

The payment is given based on the amount of work.

Benefit includes: Free use of Archives (the book can not be borrowed outside Archives); Free Newsletter and other publications; Based on the contribution and working performance, under some certain conditions, training and study opportunity can be offered, for example, conferences, trainings, lectures and other activities organized by WHITRAP Shanghai.


Please fill in the Application Form and send to Ms. LI Hong (whapshanghai@gmail.com).

The recruitment becomes into effective for long period.


Application Form

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