2019 Internship at WHITRAP
Author:LI HONG  PublishDate:2018-12-18  Hits:932

WHITRAP will recruit 4 interns from March to July 31, 2019. The deadline of the application is January 15, 2019. Offer will be sent to selected candidates by the end of January, 2019.


WHITRAP will recruit 5 interns from September 1, 2019 to January 30, 2020. The deadline of the application is June 15, 2019. Offer will be sent to selected candidates by the end of June, 2019.


1)Application Documents

1. CV in both Chinese and English;
2. An intern proposal in English. Explain the expectation, interested project and the available time for internship etc. no more than 500 words.

2)Internship subsidy

100 Yuan/ day is provided as subsidy. Accommodation and meals will not be provided.


1. Bachelor degree or above on Foreign Language (English), Urban Planning, Architecture, Culture, Arts or Design etc.
2. Good command of English, especially in written English.
3. Having Work experience in the International Organizations, Government or Administration, Non-Government Organizations is preferred.
4. Design intern requires the ability to use the software of InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator etc.
5. At least three days a week, full time interns are preferred.
6. Ability to work independently as well as in a team.


WHITRAP Shanghai :
3 Projects interns, 1 Design intern

WHITRAP Secretariat :
1 Editor intern, 1 Design intern


1. Assistance to the preparation of workshop, training, meeting and research etc.
2. Translation.
3. Assistance to promotion activities, including newsletter, website and WeChat etc.

6)WHITRAP Priority Projects

1. Historic Urban Landscape;
2. World Heritage and Sustainable Tourism;
3. Heritage Impact Assessments;
4. Small settlements;
5. Management Planning.


WHITRAP Shanghai :
Ms. LI Hong, h.li@whitr-ap.org
Tel: +86 21 65987687 ext. 8010

WHITRAP Secretariat :
Mr. Wang Tianxiang, tx.wang@whitr-ap.org
Tel: +86 21 65987687 ext. 8002
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