SuZhou Meeting on May 1st, 2007
  PublishDate:2007-05-09  Hits:2677
Representative of Shanghai Institute: Jian ZHOU (Deputy Director), Ping KONG (Director of Project Unit), Yanhua ZHANG (Director of Administrative Unit)

Mr. Xinsheng ZHANG delivered a speech at the meeting

On May 1st, 2007, H.E. Mr. ZHANG Xingshen (Vice Minister of Ministry of Education), H.E. Mr. ZHU JIanSheng (Vice Mayor of Su Zhou Municipal government) and representatives of Peking Uni, Tongji Uni and Su Zhou Municipal Government attended the Meeting at Suzhou Garden Administration Bureau.

This meeting focused on the preparation for the establishment of the World Heritage Institute of Training and Research—Asia and Pacific.

In this meeting, the representatives who came from Peking Uni, Tongji Uni and Su Zhou Municipal Government reported their preparation and related activities respectively, which received highly appreciation from Chinese national Committee for UNESCO.

H.E. Mr ZHANG Xingshen delivered an important speech in the meeting emphasizing the significance and objectives of the Institute and inspired further discussions in the operational system of the three branch offices. He put forward that three branch offices should explore their individual ways of operation, with fully respect of their unique advantages and disciplinary development, meanwhile enhancing internal and external cooperation. H.E. Mr ZHU JIanSheng (Vice Mayor of Su Zhou Municipal government) also delivered a speech on Su Zhou government’s great efforts in preparing the branch office.

Mr DU Yue (Deputy Secretary-General of the Chinese national Commission for UNESCO) made a report on the suggestions related to the institute in the 176th meeting of Executive Bureau for UNESCO. He highlighted the international cooperation, practical training programs with regional characteristics, and flexible training, etc. This meeting completed successfully and it established a firm base for future development of the Institute.
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