The International Symposium on the Concepts and Practices of Conservation and Restoration of Historic Buildings in East Asia
  PublishDate:2007-05-28  Hits:2890



The International Symposium on the Concepts and Practices of Conservation and Restoration of Historic Buildings in East Asia is organized in Beijing from 24th to 28th May, 2007 by the UNESCO World Heritage Center, ICCROM, ICOMOS and China State Administration of Cultural Heritage. The symposium reflected the concerns and suggestions voiced at the 30th session of the World Heritage Committee in Vilnius on the relationship between the current large-scale restoration projects in Beijing of world heritage sites and authenticity. The symposium further explored the concepts and practices of preserving cultural heritage in light of different traditions and cultures.

H.E. Mr. Zheng Xinmiao, (Vice Minister of Culture, Vice President of the Palace Museum), H.E. Mr. Shan Jixiang, (Director of China State Administration of Cultural Heritage) , H.E. Mr. Tong MingKang, (Deputy Director of China State Administration of Cultural Heritage), H.E. Mr. Francesco Bandarin, (Director of UNESCO World Heritage Centre), H.E. Mr. Mounir Bouchenaki, (Director-General of ICCROM). H.E Mr. Micheal Petzet, (President of ICOMOS). Mr. Kong Fanshi, (Director of Beijing Municipal Administration of Cultural Heritage) and other distinguished specialists, scholars and governmental officials from relevant organization research institutes and universities in total 60 people, coming from 20 countries participated this symposium. The ardent discussion on Authenticity, Continuity, Integrity and Particularity in the content of Asia and Parcific region were conducted. Prof. Zhoujian, (Deputy Director of WHITR-AP), Ms. Kong Ping, (Unit Director of WHITR-AP) and Prof. Zhang Song, (CAUP, Tongji University) attended this symposium. During the symposium, on-site investigations to the Palace Museum, the Summer Palace, and the Temple of Heaven were conducted in order to allow the participants to have an ideographic and comprehensive understanding on the real conservation and restoration status of world heritage sites in Beijing. As a fruit, participants drafted the Beijing Document and r reached a consensus through discussion, which brought a successful close for the Symposium.
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