Represents from UNESCO WHITR-AP Paid a Visit to IUCN
  PublishDate:2008-04-28  Hits:2278

Prof. Wu with some participants in IUCN

On Apr 15th, 2008, Prof. Wu Zhiqiang, Prof. Cai Mantang, and Ms. Kong Ping paid a visit to IUCN in Gland, Switzerland. Mr. David Sheppburn, in charge of World Heritage and Conservation Site project, and its group people gave the delegations a detailed introduction of world heritage, especially the assessment and monitoring of natural heritage, as well as relative information and cooperative network. Thereafter, Prof. Wu Zhiqiang had a private meeting with the directors of various departments, in order to have a further understanding of the detailed operation of IUCN World Heritage and Conservation Site project, and had specific discussion on the development of WHITR-AP and future cooperation with IUCN.
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