The First Conference of Governing Board Held in Beijing
  PublishDate:2008-08-01  Hits:2663


Conference of Governing Board

On the afternoon of May 22nd, 2008, the First Conference of Governing Board of UNESCO World Heritage Training and Research Institute for the Asia and the Pacific Region (WHITR-AP) was held in Overseas Exchange Center, Pekin University. The key theme of the Conference includes deliberation of rules of procedure of Governing Board, and Constitution of WHITR-AP, with an emphasis on financing and development strategy of WHITR-AP and other key issues. 13 delegates from world well-known heritage conservation institutes, experts and representatives of the government attended the meeting, as members of the first Session of Governing Board.

The conference was hosted by Mr. Zhang Xinsheng (Vice Minister of the Ministry of Education, P.R.China, and Chairman of the Chinese National Commission for UNESCO), Mr. Francesco BANDARIN (Director of UNESCO WHC), Mr. Mounir BOUCHENAKI (Director-General of ICCROM), Mr. Guo zhen (Vice President of ICOMOS), Mr. T.Badman (Special Consultant of IUCN), Mr. Choi Jong Deok (Director of Overseas Exchange Department, Cultural Heritage Bureau, Korea), Mr. M. Osborne (Professor and Former Principal of La Trobe University, Australia), Mr. Fang Maotian (National Committee of UNESCO), Mr. Gu Yucai (Director of Department of Cultural Heritage Conservation, State Administration of Cultural Heritage), Mr. Wang Fengwu (Vice Director of Department of Urban Construction, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People’s Republic of China), Mr. Lin Jianhua (Vice president of Peking University), Mr. Dong qi (Assistant Principal of Tongji University), Mr. Zhu Jianshen (Vice Mayor of Suzhou Municipal Government attended the Conference). Directors of the three branch centers (Beijing, Shanghai, and Suzhou) also present the meeting. Doctor Cai Mantang (General Secretary of WHITR-AP), served as the Conference Secretary.

After determining the procedures and rules of the Conference, the committee members deliberated the Constitution line by line. During the discussion, Mr. Zhang Xinsheng emphasized the independent corporate body as well as operation mechanism of the three branches. In the end, The Constitution received unanimous approval by votes of all the committee members. In the following discussion, the Conference approved the name list of Executive Committee, which includes Mr. Zhang Xinshen, Director of the Governing Board, Mr. F. Bandarin, representative of UNSCO, Mr. M. Bouchenaki, Director of ICCROM (also Director of Advisory Committee), and representative of the three branches—Mr. Lin Jianhua, Vice President of Pekin University, Mr. Zhou Zuyi, Vice President of Tongji University, and Mr. Zhu Jianshen, Vice Mayor of Suzhou Municipal Government.

The conference also had a preliminary discussion on the middle-term development strategic planning of WHITR-AP, as well as 2-year work schedule, budget, and rules and regulations. The members of the committee all agreed that those documents provided favorable framework for the further development of WHITR-AP, but considering the lack of abundant communication of specific contents due to time limits, it is suggested that the secretariat deliberate those documents with the three branches at proper time in the future, based on comprehensive communication and coordination.
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