Opening Ceremony of International Training Course ''Management and Planning for Cultural Heritage''
  PublishDate:2008-11-24  Hits:3089


The opening ceremony of the international training course ''management planning for cultural heritage'' was held from 9:00am, November 24th, 2008. This training course was organized by the WHITR-AP, International Center for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM). Professor Wu Zhiqiang, the director of WHITR-AP (Shanghai), presided over the opening ceremony. Represents from Ministry of Education, Chinese Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (MOHURD), National Commission for UNESCO, ICCROM, UNESCO Beijing Office, Shanghai Municipal Government, Tongji University, WHITR-AP Suzhou and Beijing centers, 19 students from 19 countries of the Asia-Pacific region, as well as reporters from Liberation Daily, Shanghai Television Station, Education Television Station, Shanghai Daily, and other well-known media, at a total number of about 60 people attended the opening ceremony.

President Pei Gang, on behalf of Tongji University, gave a welcoming address and expressed the continuous support to the center. Vice Minister of Education, Mr. Zhang Xinsheng, the Chairman of Chinese National Committee for UNESCO and Chairman of WHITR-AP Governing Board, delivered keynote speech at the opening. He emphasized the importance of WHITR-AP as a regional centre to improve the overall quality of conservation and development in Asia and the Pacific region. He regarded this training course as the first substantial action of WHITR-AP in the region and gave high expectation to further strengthen cooperation and network in the region. Subsequently, Inspector of MOHURD, Mr. Wang Fengwu, Vice Director of Shanghai Urban Planning Bureau, Mr.Wu Jiang, Unit Director of ICCROM, Mr. Joseph KING, and Chef Cultural Specialist from UNESCO Beijing Office, Ms. Kaldun also gave welcome remarks and congratulation for the successful opening of MPCH course. They reviewed the conservation status and requests from the region in different perspectives and emphasized the importance of cooperation and partnerships in sustainable conservation and development in the region.

As the first international training course, organized by WHITR-AP (Shanghai) and ICCROM, it brought together participants from 18 countries in the Asia-Pacific region and 1 from Chile, who are all professionals with practical experience in their respective countries in the protection and management of World Heritage properties. Among them, 9 participants are from government and non-governmental organizations, 7 work directly at the site, and 3 are from academic or research institutes. Its start-up is of great significance to the center's construction and development, marking the operation of the center has entered a substantive stage. In the next two weeks, students will have the opportunity to study in a multicultural context, sharing their ideas and practical experience in setting up and implementing management planning.
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