Nov. 26 Presentation for MPCH
  PublishDate:2008-11-26  Hits:3232

Today the training course focused on “Issues of identification of actors/stakeholders”.

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Mr. Gamini                                                                                  Mr. King


Mr. Gamini from ICCROM explained the different phases in the process of conservation planning and discussed the role of stakeholders as well as their positive or negative impacts on the heritage properties. Mr. King continued speaking about the management system and planning by the example of “Kondoa Rock Art Site management plan”. He discussed step by step the issues and procedures to compose a management plan.



Heated Discussion between Participants 

Prof. Zhang Song, from Department of Urban Planning at Tongji University, gave a specific Chinese example: “Fujian Tulou, Cultural Landscape” , which was inscribed in the World Heritage List in 2008, to explain the conservation planning and related issues. The Fujian Tulou project he is in charge of, won the “UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage Award”. Later Prof. Wu Jiang delivered a presentation on “Shanghai practice, historical conservation and urban renewal”, to give our participants a general view of the transformations and challenges occurred to the city during development. He explained clearly the regulations and adaptive use of historic sites, which excited discussion in the class. The Chinese cases helped our participants to appreciate conservation from different perspectives and complement the theoretic knowledge. 


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Prof. Zhang Song Prof.                                                                                 Wu Jiang             

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