National Workshop on the Tentative List of World Natural and Mixed Heritage
  PublishDate:2009-01-03  Hits:2317



From January 17th to 18th, National Workshop on the Tentative List of World Natural and Mixed Heritage was held in Beijing, co-organized jointly by Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People’s Republic of China (MOHURD), National Commission of the People’s Republic of China for UNESCO, and World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia and The Pacific Region (WHITR-AP). Prof. HAN Feng and Dr. LI Xin participated in this workshop on behalf of WHITR-AP (Shanghai). More than 200 representatives came from Ministry of Construction of China, WHC, IUCN, National Park Service, as well as the world heritage sites in the tentative list in China. Based on the latest international policy of having the privileged application for natural heritage, the participants delivered their key-note speeches, focused on the existing phenomena, such as the excessive amounts and definition of natural heritage. And they put forward some constructive suggestions on how to complete the application steps for natural heritage between the authorities and sites, how to build up an authoritative and professional commission structure and how to draft an action plan for the sustainable development of tentative list in China.

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