Bridge Collapses at Hampi World Heritage Site (India)
  PublishDate:2009-02-20  Hits:3669


On 22 January 2009, the Anegundi Bridge at the World Heritage Group of Monuments at Hampi collapsed, killing eight construction workers. The unfinished bridge over the Tungabhadra River gave way under the weight of the additional concrete used to complete its construction, only weeks after resumption of the works with had been halted over 9 years ago.

The Group of Monuments at Hampi was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1986 and then on the List of World Heritage in Danger in 1999 in part because of the construction of two bridges, one of them the Anegundi Bridge. In recognition of the need to complete the bridge as a temporary means to facilitate the river crossing, efforts to mitigate the threats to the site through constructing a bypass road and other control measures were proposed and executed between 2003 and 2006.

In 2006, the World Heritage Committee removed Hampi from the Danger List requesting the State Party, at the same time to “reconsider and adapt the design and dimensions of the Anegundi Bridge… respecting the visual integrity of the property” and to address the long-term concerns over the impact of the bridge on traffic and undesirable construction activities.

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