2009 ACCU Training Course on Preservation and Restoration of Wooden Structures
  PublishDate:2009-05-06  Hits:3815
The Training course on Cultural Heritage Protection in the Asia – Pacific Region 2009: Preservation and Restoration of Wooden Structures, will be held in Nara, Japan, from Sept. 8 to Oct. 8, 2009. The course is organized by Bunkacho (Agency for Cultural Affairs, Japan), ACCU, ICCROM, and the National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Japanese Association for Conservation of Architectural Monuments (JACAM) ect.

The course aims to provide participants with knowledge of recording/ documentation, analytical methods for wooden architecture; principles and methodologies for preservation of wooden structures; maintenance, utilization, and risk management of historical wooden structures. It will also provide practical knowledge of technology/ techniques and hands-on training for preservation and restoration of wooden structures. There is a good opportunity to network with colleagues from the region and share experiences.

Deadline for application June 20 2009.
For more details please go to http://www.nara.accu.or.jp/english/GI%20Group%202009.html

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