Second International Conference of The Society for Conservation of Cultural Heritage in East Asia to be held in August in Hohhot
  PublishDate:2011-05-16  Hits:2648
The Course on Management and Monitoring of World Heritage Sites, organized by ICCROM together with China Academy of Cultural Heritage (CACH) on the invitation of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage (SACH) and with the support of Suzhou Municipality Administration of Cultural Heritage and Suzhou Gardens and Landscaping Administration Bureau, was opened at WHITRAP Suzhou center on March 7th. More than 40 trainees from heritage sites in China, Russia, New Zealand, Poland, etc. attended the ceremony.

LIU Jinsheng, Deputy Director of Jiangsu Provincial Administration of Cultural Heritage, YIN Zhanqun, Deputy Director of Suzhou Municipality Administration of Cultural Heritage, and YANG Hui, Deputy Director of Suzhou Gardens and Landscaping Administration Bureau, firstly gave welcome speeches to the audience. Then, Rachael Elizabeth Egerton from management department of conservation zone in New Zealand made a speech on behalf of all the trainees. At last, HUANG Yuan, Deputy Director-General of State Administration of Cultural Heritage Personnel Department, ended the ceremony by presenting the achievements that have been made in China’s cultural heritage conservation, and expressing his good wish that the course enables all the trainees to learn from each other and share experience on the management and monitoring of cultural heritage properties.

The two-week long international training course constitutes a series of lectures, case study and practice exercises. The teaching team includes ICCROM staff and other professionals identified by ICCROM and Chinese authorities, they are: GUAN Qiang, the Chief Director-General of Protection and Archeology Department of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, and its Deputy Director- General LU Qiong, ZHU Xiaodong, the Party Committee Secretary of China Academy of Cultural Heritage, ZHAN Changfa, the Director of Education and Training Center, Joseph KING, Sites Unit Director of ICCROM, Gamini WIJESURIYA, the Project Manager and Course Coordinator, LV Zhou, vice dean of School of Architecture of Tsinghua University, ZHOU Suning, the Director of WHITRAP Suzhou, etc.

Suzhou, as a famous historic cultural city and cultural heritage site, has witnessed a good momentum on its cultural heritage conservation, through active exploration of the world advanced methods and measures in terms of public awareness, policies and techniques. To be the host of the course also brings a good opportunity for Suzhou to improve and promote its management of cultural heritage conservation.
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