Working Meeting of WHITRAP Held in Beijing
From:WHITRAP Shanghai   PublishDate:2012-03-02  Hits:3020

Feb. 23-24 2012, the Working Meeting of WHITRAP was held in Beijing, with focus on the development of WHITRAP.It was hosted by Mr. DU Yue, Secretary-General of Chinese National Commission for UNESCO. First of all, participants were listened the report (2010-2012) from three branch centres. The representatives from the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage and other individual experts expressed their own opinions towards WHITRAP’s future development. Mr. Francesco BANDARINE, UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Culture, was attended and pointed out the latest issues related heritageto follow-up, such as urban historic landscape, sustainable tourism etc. Mr. ZHANG Xinsheng, Chairman of WHITRAP’s Governing Board and the former Deputy Minister of Education concluded the meeting.

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