Information meeting at the 36 Session of the World Heritage Committee meeting
From:WHITRAP Shanghai Author:Hong LI  PublishDate:2012-07-02  Hits:7363

On 29 June, the Information Meeting for the Regional Capacity Building in the Asia-Pacific was held during the 36th Session of World Heritage Committee. About 50 representatives from WHC, the Advisory Bodies, Chinese Government, countries in the Asia-Pacific region and other delegation participated in the Meeting, including Dr. Feng JING (Director of the Asia-Pacific Unit of WHC), Mr. Joseph KING (Director of Site Unit of ICCROM), Dr. Gamini WIJESURIYA (Project Manager of ICCROM), Ms. Carolina Castellanos (Consultant of ICOMOS) and Ms. Haifaa Abdulhalim (World Heritage Officer of IUCN), Mr. Zhan GUO, Deputy President of ICOMOS, Mr. Rusheng LI, Deputy Director of Department of Urban Construction of Chinese Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and Mr. Yue DU, Secretary-General of Chinese National Commission for UNESCO.

Requested by the WHC, WHITRAP is taking the leading role in the Regional Capacity Building Initiatives and organized the information meeting for the first cycle of coordination in the region. Dr. JING reviewed the process of the 2nd Cycle of the Periodic Reporting and highlighted the priorities in the region. Dr. Ping KONG, represented as International Coordinator of WHITRAP, firstly introduced WHITRAP and explained the request of regional capacity building from WHC and ICCROM. Then she presented the general concept as well as methodology of the capacity building. Last but not least, proposed work plan, timetable and first step of questionnaire were introduced in detail for the implementation of the programme. Mr. KING recalled the World Heritage Capacity Building Strategy (2011, WHC-11/35.COM/9B) at the global level and made it clear the importance of the regional capacity building programme and following action plans. Ms. Carolina Castellanos and Haifaa Abdulhalim also put forward comments correspondingly. Participants from the region raised the questions regarding to the relative issues on implementation. Mr. GUO and Mr. DU expressed the support would be given by the Chinese Government.


In the Decision of Item 10A (WHC-12/36.COM/10A)has officially adopted by the Committee: Also Encourage the WHITRAP, the UNESCO Category 2 Centre, to take a lead in developing a regional capacity-building strategy and associated programes.


[PPT]  Information Meeting




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