WHITRAP Work Meeting Held in Suzhou
From:WHITRAP Suzhou Author:CAO Fengjiao  PublishDate:2012-12-27  Hits:4486


On December 27th, the 2012 WHITRAP Annual Working Meeting was held in Suzhou. Zhou Jian, Secretary-general of WHITRAP Rotating Secretariat, chaired the meeting; Mr. Du Yue, Secretary-general of Chinese National Commission for UNESCO, Yang Hui, Deputy Director, Suzhou Gardens and Landscaping Administration Bureau, Li Xin, Deputy Secretary-general of WHITRAP Rotating Secretariat, Xue Zhijian, Director of WHITRAP Suzhou, Lu Wei, Executive Vice Director of WHITRAP Shanghai and other relevant staff attended the meeting. The meeting summarized major works in 2012 and discussed on the work plan of Secretariat and each branch in near future.

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