The Fourth Session of WHITRAP Governing Board Held in Hangzhou
From:WHITRAP Shanghai   PublishDate:2013-05-20  Hits:3837

The Fourth Session of WHITRAP Governing Board was held in Hangzhou on May 16 2013. Mr. Zhang Xinsheng, Chairperson of the Governing Board chaired the meeting. Mr. Kishore RAO, Director of UNESCO World Heritage Centre, Mounir BOUCHENAKI, Special Advisor to the Director-General of UNESCO, Joseph KING, Director of the Sites Unit, ICCROM (also as the representative of the Director of World Heritage Programme, IUCN), Dinu BUMBARU, Member of the ICOMOS Executive Committee, Changwei QIN, Deputy Secretary-General of the Chinese National Commission for UNESCO, Rusheng LI, Deputy Director of the Department of Urban Construction, Ministry of Housing and Urban-rural Development, P.R. China, Li XIAO, Vice Consultant of the Department of Cultural Relics Protection, Jiang WU, Vice President of Tongji University, Huimin XU, Vice Mayor of Suzhou Municipal People's Government attended the meeting. The Rotating Secretariat of WHITRAP and representatives from branch institutes also attended the meeting as observers.

The meeting reviewed and approved 2008-2012 Work Report, 2014-2019 Mid-term Strategy and 2014-2015 Programs and Budgets. Upon in-depth discussions, the participants offered practical advices on each item, as well as the revision of WHITRAP constitution.

ANNEX: Participants List of the 4th Session of WHITRAP Governing Board
Xinsheng ZHANG, Chairman of WHITRAP Governing Board
Kishore RAO, Director of UNESCO World Heritage Centre
Mounir BOUCHENAKI, Special Advisor to the Director-General of UNESCO
Dinu BUMBARU, Member of the ICOMOS Executive Committee
Joseph KING, Director of the Sites Unit, ICCROM
Changwei QIN, Deputy Secretary-General of the Chinese National Commission for UNESCO
Rusheng LI, Deputy Director of the Department of Urban Construction, Ministry of Housing and Urban-rural Development, P.R. China
Li XIAO, State Administration of Cultural Heritage
Jiang WU, Vice President of Tongji University
Huimin XU, Vice Mayor of Suzhou Municipal People's Government
Tian GAO, Tsinghua University
Tie SUN, Ministry of Housing and Urban-rural Development, P.R. China
Hui YANG, Deputy Director of the Suzhou Municipal Administrative Bureau of Gardens
Jian ZHOU, Secretariat of WHITRAP
Ronald VAN OERS, Secretariat of WHITRAP
Xin LI, Secretariat of WHITRAP

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