SAARC Workshop has successfully come to an end
From:Pakistan Government   PublishDate:2013-09-02  Hits:2834
On 25th August 13, the SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) Workshop, organized by the Pakistan government and SAARC and co-organized by WHITRAP Shanghai, was held firstly in Pakistan, which titled as “Saarc workshop on world heritage sites in South Asia. ” The Workshop aimed to promote the World Heritage through exchange of the experiences to overcome shortcomings in preserving Heritage site. Moreover, the workshop would consider by the WH Resource Manuals and discuss potential policies and management systems, then based on the results to review the current situation of management of World Heritage Sites in the Region of South Asia. The workshop was an example for building joint platform for the member countries (SAARC), to address the common issues and benefit for capacity building.

During the training course, the organizer arranged site visiting in Taxila Museum and the Buddhist remains. Around 20 participants from the SAARC State countries including Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan lauded the Pakistan government for the preservation works on Buddhism site. The Secretary Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Muhammad Azam was the chief guest of the concluding ceremony and distributing the certificates to the participants of the workshop.
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