Tongli (CH) and Priverno (IT) Comparative Research on the Application of the HUL Approach Bilateral Project Meeting in Tongli, Jiangsu
  PublishDate:2015-03-13  Hits:2741

Within the context of the China and Italy Bilateral Project for the Exchange of Heritage Conservation Experiences, Tongli (CH) and Priverno (IT) Comparative Research on the Application of the Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) Approach led by Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Institute for the Conservation and Valorization of Cultural Heritage (CNR-ICVBC) and WHITRAP, during 10th -13th March, 2015, four days was held the First Intentional Meeting of the Exchange Research in Tongli, Jiangsu Province, with representatives from the Wujiang District Government, Tongli Old Town Conservation and Management Committee, Italian Consulate in Shanghai, CNR-ICVBC, Tongji University and WHITRAP participated in. It was consist of a series of workshops, as well as the correspondent field trips within Tongli, and to Wujiang District and other water towns in Shanghai Area. There were many important achievements during the meeting, the MoU between the institutions mentioned above was signed, the first public participation activity with the local community of Tongli within the framework of this research project was taken place, and a debate on further steps of Sino-Italian cooperation for HUL application and other means.



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