The HUL Approach Framing Sino-Italian Cooperation and Research Agreements
  PublishDate:2015-09-28  Hits:4299





During the last two years a cooperation agreement between WHITRAP and CNR-ICVBC has been promoted, focusing on the application of the HUL approach to small historic towns, with the aim to foster their economic sustainable development, thought the conservation of build heritage, landscape and local identity. Within this framework, two Sino-Italian Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) were recently signed (2015-2020) by these two institutions with other local and regional authorities in order to support the continuation and application of the results of this research and encourage the exchange of best practices on training and participation. The first MoU was signed with the Historic Towns of Tongli (China), Palestrina (Italy), Castel San Pietro Romano (Italy) and the University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy); the second MoU with Tongli Historic Town (China) and the regional agency of Lazio Innova S.p.A.(Italy).

These MoU were signed in Italy during a 7 days’ encounter of all the institutions and authorities involved in the cooperation project. Several international workshops were held, closing with the International Conference “Water towns – Hill towns and the UNESCO Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape”.



with Lazio Innova





with Palestrina and Castle San Pietro Romano






Cina-Italia e la raccomandazione UNESCO sul “Paesaggio Storico Urbano”










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