The Second Field Study to Hailongtun is Completed
Author:WHITRAP  PublishDate:2017-08-01  Hits:4070


From 1-6 August 2017, the UNESCO World Heritage and Sustainable Tourism Programme - China Pilot Programme Research Group (hereinafter referred to as the “Programme Research Group”) dispatched 10 researchers to the Hailongtun Tusi Site, Zunyi for the second expedition.


Unlike the first field trip, the Programme Research Group had already evaluated the integrity of the tourist route at the World Heritage sites. Under the auspices of Hailongtun Cultural Heritage Management Bureau, the Programme Research Group conducted in-depth interviews with the relevant tourism products management departments, the Huichuan district government and the local communities regarding the planning and management of heritage sites. The interviews with Hailongtun villages were supplemented with field visit to the Yang's tombs.

Based on these two expeditions results, the Programme Research Group will hold a workshop of the UNESCO World Heritage and Sustainable Tourism Programme - China Pilot in Zunyi Hailongtun heritage site, from 29-31 August 2017. Government officials, tourism practitioners, community residents, scholars and other stakeholders will be invited to participate in the training.



Figure 1 – Hailongtun Core Expedition Area route map


Figure 2 – Ms, CHEN Xianzhong, Deputy Director of the Hailongtun Cultural Heritage Management Bureau,

introduces the management status quo

Figure 3,4 – Mr. Hou Xianqiu, Tea Farm project general manager introduces the Tusi town development plan


Figure 5 – Mr. Xue, Legend Tourism Investment Company operations director presented the operation of the Star Camp


Figure 6 – The Programme Research Group in discussion with Zunyi municipal departments personnel and researchers


Figure 7 – The Programme Research Group interacted with Zeng Xia, Planning Section Chie from Huichuan district planning department


Figure 8 – The Programme Research Group interacted with personnel from the construction department

Figure 9,10,11,12 – The Programme Research Group on site visit under the direction of Wang Xiangbing, Staff of Protection Section in Hailongtun Cultural Heritage Management Bureau


Figure 13 – The Programme Research Group on the footpath to visit a local community

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