Report on the Survey of the Current Situation of French Characteristic Small Towns
  PublishDate:2017-11-20  Hits:2392

According to the framework of the agreement on promoting the collaboration and coordination in the development of characteristic small towns network in China and France signed by the World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region under the Auspices of UNESCO in Shanghai,School of Architecture and Urban Planning of Tongji University, Cite du patrimoine & de l'architecture and l’Association Nationale des Petites Cités Caractères at the end of October, three staffs of WHITRAP were dispatched to conduct a research in seven characteristic small towns in la Grand East and four towns in la Bretagne in France from July 25th to August 2nd. During the trip, the Chinese personnel also paid a visit to the headquarter of PPC located in Rennes and carried out thorough and the wide-ranging exchanges with the functionary including the president accompanied by officials of the French Ministry of culture.

Please find the report in the attachment below.

 Report on the Survey of the Current Situation of French Characteristic Small Towns

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