Commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of the Ancient City of Lijiang’s Inscription on the World Heritage List |
PublishDate:2018-01-08 Hits:2377 |
On December 18, 2017, the Commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of the Ancient City of Lijiang’s -Inscription on the World Heritage List and the ‘Heritage Conservation and Sustainable Tourism Development Seminar’ were held in Lijiang, and was attended by nearly 200 government representatives and experts from all around the world. Dr. LI Xin, Deputy Secretary General of WHITRAP, was invited to attend. LI Xiaojie, Former Director of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, pointed out in his speech: “Lijiang, the ancient city, actively explores a new mode of tourism development which feeds back to heritage protection, and effectively promotes the participation of the local community. Through this, the ’Lijiang Model’ recognised by UNESCO is formed.” Dr. LI Xin also commented: “Lijiang is at a criticalperiod of transformation. The Government should increase the input of resources to the ancient town of Lijiang, and build Lijiang into a leading cultural heritage national park in China, simultaneously better combining cultural heritage, technology and creativity. Thus, launching the ‘Lijiang Model’ at a higher level.”
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