Meeting with Zhenze Authorities
  PublishDate:2018-03-03  Hits:1906


On 3rd March 2018, a delegation of WHITRAP directed by Prof. Zhou Jian, and composed by Simone Ricca, Anna-Paola Pola and Li Hong, visited the city of Zhenze and met with Mr. Zhuang Zhiwei, Deputy Director of Protection Committee for the Old Town, and Ms. Wu Xiaoying, Manager of Tourism Company.

The mission had two goals: on the one hand to verify the agreement for the organization of the forthcoming HIA/EIA course organized by WHITRAP with ICCROM in October 2018 in Zhenze; on the other hand to collect data and organize the field visit and the meeting with the local authorities planned in the framework of the International Seminar organized by Westminster University in collaboration with WHITRAP and XJTLU in Suzhou. The meeting also addressed the logistics of the Training course and the accommodation for the participants.

The field visit that followed the meeting with local authorities permitted to tour the historic centre and review the most sensitive issues currently faced by the historic core that will be discussed both during the HIA/EIA Course and during the International seminar. The main issues concern notably the re-use of the listed historic buildings, the presence of a large number of empty houses belonging to the public sector, the enlargement of the waterway in the city centre in view of the World Heritage Nomination, and the future of the historic school buildings.

The positive outcome of the mission confirmed the will of the local authorities to cooperate with WHITRAP on both activities.
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