Fact-finding mission to Bangka, Indonesia
  PublishDate:2018-04-04  Hits:2235

Bangka Island river harbour

Bangka Island river harbour

Between 1 - 4 April 2018, Anna-Paola Pola, Director Urban Planning at WHITRAP and Simone Ricca, Vice-Director of WHITRAP, visited the island of Bangka in Indonesia. This mission builds upon the earlier contacts of WHITRAP with Indonesia, established since 2014, for the development of HUL-related project in the country.

The mission — organized in cooperation with two Indonesian experts who followed the HUL training in Shanghai in 2015 — aimed at getting acquainted with the island, its heritage and its current management system in view of the launch of HUL-based project in Bangka Belitung province.

WHITRAP team met Dr. Herzaldi Rosman, Governor of Bangka Belitung, and its closest staff in Bangka. During this meeting was signed a Letter of Intention between WHITRAP and Bangka Belitung Province that formalizes the beginning of the cooperation project. On April 2nd, WHITRAP team presented the concept of HUL to the local authorities in Pankalpinang, the capital of the province. The presentation, followed by a debate, permitted to verify the interest of Indonesian local authorities for this initiative and to meet the administrative staff of the 6 different regions of the Island.

In the following days, the mission toured Bangka island, accompanied by the Indonesian colleagues, to identify the possible focus of the project. The tour included the visit of the village of Kampung Gedong, near Belinyu, the earliest Chinese settlement in the island, the visit of the historic town of Mentok, and of some of the most relevant natural and tourist attractions of Bangka island. In Mentok, WHITRAP delegation met the regent of West Bangka, Mr Parhan Abbas, and had the opportunity to visit the city’s Museum and the main cultural and religious institutions of the town: the Chinese Mayor mansion, the Kung Fuk Miao Temple, the Grand Mosque and the ensemble of the historic core.

Kampung Gedong Village

Kampung Gedong Village

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