Pest Prevention and Control of Suzhou Gardens, Training Course
Author:Jiang Yeqin  PublishDate:2018-06-08  Hits:2016
In order to increase the role of World Heritage monitoring in strengthening the conservation and management of Suzhou Gardens, and with concern to the prevention of coming summer plant diseases, WHITRAP Suzhou organised the "2018 Training Course for Pest Control and Prevention" in the Suzhou Gardens on 8th June. Professor Cai Ping, an expert in plant protection from Suzhou University, was invited to lead the training course for more than 30 heritage monitors from site management organisations of  Suzhou Gardens and Tongli Ancient Town Protection and Management Committee. 

This year, WHITRAP Suzhou is trying to further innovate the content and method of training. In terms of the training content, more emphasis was placed on guidance for the prevention of plant diseases, advancing the training by focusing more on prevention rather than control. The scope of the training covered gardens, tourism sites and parks, and the broadcasting and promotion of pest prevention. 


As for the training methods, it combined lectures and on-site teaching at the Humble Administrator’s Garden, which increased opportunities for training and communication, and provided specific guidance for the garden management employees to practice plant disease prevention. 

The training highlighted the protection of the garden eco-system and explored the concept of eco-prevention, two aspects which were highly commended by participants. In addition, the positive role of heritage monitoring in improving garden conservation was underlined.

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