WHITRAP HUL Seminar Held Online
  PublishDate:2020-10-29  Hits:4001


On 23-24 October 2020 WHITRAP-Shanghai held an online seminar on "The Historic Urban Landscape approach - Integrating Urban Heritage Conservation with Urban Development in Planning Processes". 

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Twenty one high level experts from seven countries, China, Japan, Malaysia, India, Indonesia, Australia and France participated in this two days seminar as well as representatives from UNESCO, UN-Habitat and ICOMOS. A little under a hundred attendees logged-in the webinar.


The meeting focused on the HUL objective of integrating urban heritage conservation and urban development through planning and urban policies in an Asian context. It looked into overcoming the traditional distinction between development and conservation, presenting examples that promote a more holistic approach to urban development. The aim of the seminar was to showcase projects and initiatives where integration has been successfully achieved in Asian cities. Three key-note speeches allowed to set the scene and they where followed by three sessions each focusing on a specific theme: (1) livability, (2) urban forms, and (3) governance structure. The meeting allowed for lively and in-depths debate amongst participants and the audience. Proceedings of the meeting will be posted online.

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