Yanqing District Cultural Relics Conservation Volunteer Daily Inspection Training Conference
Release date :2021-03-19 Views: 430
On March 19, 2021, WHITRAP, together with the Bureau of Culture and Tourism and the Cultural Relics Management Office of Yanqing District, Beijing, carried out the “Special Training on Preventive Protection of Cultural Heritage-Yanqing District Cultural Relics Conservation Volunteer Daily Inspection Training Conference" in Yanqing District”. Liu Baoshan, senior engineer and international member of ICOMOS, explained the necessity of daily inspection records of cultural relics to the volunteers, and introduced the main contents and precautions of daily inspections using the Great Wall and other heritage sites as case studies. The training team showed the volunteers how to use the related WeChat Mini Program and later that day, the volunteers began to use the Mini Program to conduct daily inspections of cultural relics, and send the inspection data to the cloud database and basic cultural relics management files.
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