Registration notice for International seminar“Cultural institutions in the service of urban and territorial development ”
Release date :2017-03-20 Views: 8504

 Registration Notice


“Cultural institutions in the service of urban andterritorialdevelopment ”



The purpose of this seminar is to familiarizetheparticipants with the French context and to facilitate the developmentof professional networks betweenFrance and the concerned countries andbetween the participants.



Ministry of Culture and Communications

Maison desCultures du Monde 


Date: March20 – March 30, 2017


Location:Paris, France


Audience:high level English-speakingprofessionals (culturalstructure administrators, cultural projectmanagers,etc)


Deadline: January 31, 2017



Please refer to the appendix for (the) further details


 Formulaire territorialanglophone2017

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