3rd Conference of Protection and Development of Chinese Ancient Villages & Selection of Chinese Tourism Villages
Release date :2006-11-09 Views: 39718

The protection and development of Chinese ancient villages began 20 years ago during the 1980s. ”China Ancient Villages” form a special group with special meaning and relevance.

During the past 20 years, with varying degrees of national economic development, we protected and developed the ancient villages in different speeds, on different political and economic levels, different geographical conditions and with different ethnic and cultural background. Apparently the ancient villages in China reached a different status, but they developed new forms. While developing, these villages gathered wide experience with successful and unsuccessful methods.

To better protect this “important heritage of mankind” and to harmonize the protection and development of ancient villages and the construction of “New Socialist Countryside”, the

“3rd Conference of Protection and Development Chinese Ancient Villages” will be held during Nov. 9-12, 2006 in Wuyuan, Jiangxi Province, P.R. China.

★ Target Audience:

1、 representatives and government leaders from counties and villages with ancient villages,

2、 experts and scholars who explore ancient villages in all fields,

3、 entrepreneurs who develop ancient village tourism,

4、 officers and scholars from abroad who deal with the protection and exploration of historic cites.

★ Main Content:

1、 keynote speech and study report of protection and development of ancient villages

2、 selection of “Chinese Tourism Villages” and “Beautiful Villages Sceneries”

★ Principles:

1、 to harmonize the protection and development of ancient villages and the construction of “New Socialist Countryside”

2、 to bequest our descendants the historic culture and heritage and spread the knowledge about it for a long social advancement in future.

★ Subject of Discussion:

1、 the place, characteristic features, significance and value of ancient villages in the construction of “New Socialist Countryside”;

2、 which features should be protected and considered carefully for the development of ancient villages;

3、 how to amalgamate the “village scenery”, which is full of cultural meaning and taste, into the construction of “New Socialist Countryside”;

4、 how to design an international brand of “Chinese Tourism Villages”;

5、 how to avoid that the ancient villages dissolve into cities in the near future”.

★ Program:

Nov. 7th (afternoon )- 8th: Registration

Nov.8th All day: study trip inside Wuyuan ancient village

Nov.9th Morning: opening ceremony of “Wuyuan Folk Custom and Culture Traveling Festival”

Afternoon: opening ceremony of the conference, keynote speeches

Nov.10th Morning: keynote speeches

Afternoon: conference

Nov.11th Morning: study trip to ancient villages

Afternoon: conference

Nov.12th Morning: selection of Chinese Tourism Villages and closing ceremony of the conference

Afternoon: Departure


China Society of Land Economics

China Culture Heritage Academy


UNESCO Beijing Office


Chinese Ancient Village Committee of China Society of Land Economics

Wuyuan Government, Jiangxi Province, P.R. China

Shanghai Tongji Urban Planning and Design Institute

Website: www.gucunluo.com

Request and Feedback

1、 Everyone belonging to the target audience of this invitation can enroll for this conference.

2、 Every participant shall submit his paper in MS Word format via email through Gucunluo’s website www.Gucunluo.com. After we receive your paper, we will inform you as soon as possible. After its reviewing by the conference committee, we will combine the corrected paper into the conference papers.

3、 Please give us a note on the left top of your feedback if you want to make a speech on the conference.

4、 Participation Fee: Yuan/person, this includes accommodation, study trips, function portofolio and reference etc. You should pay yourself for your transportation to and from the conference venue.

5、 You can enroll for the conference as you like on Nov. 7th or 8th.

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