Revisit Conservation Philosophy of Wooden Structures—— “Restoration Methodology and Philosophy of Conservation of Wooden Structures” International Conference
Release date :2013-12-17 Views: 4381

12 – 17 December, 2013 Nara, Japan

The international conference is organized by Cultural Heritage Protection Cooperation Office, Asia-Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO [ACCU Nara] and WHITRAP Shanghai from 17 December to 19 in Nara, Japan. Since the year 2014 marks the 20th anniversary of the adoption of Nara Document, International and Asia-Pacific Region experts and scholars on related areas are to be invited to join the discussions and share insights.

For further information please send us email:
WHITRAP Shanghai
Ms. Lu Wei: w.lu@whitr.org

Nara Japan: nara@accu.or.jp

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