Asia-Pacific World Heritage Center (Shanghai) Chinese drawing room library catalog
No. Front cover Book Name Author Press Date Category
Regional Action Plan for the Protected Areas in East Asia
Compiled and edited by J.MacKinnon(IUCN Consultant) and Xie Yan (WCPA Vice-Chair for East Asia) WCPA 2008-02
Implementation of an Exchange Programme for Protected Areas in East Asia
Shelley Hayes and John Shultis, Adrian Phillips(Series Editor) IUCN 2001
Guidelines for Financing Protected Areas in East Asia
Andrea Athanas, Frank Vorhies, Fernando Ghersi, Peter Shadie and John Shultis, Adrian Phillips(Series Editor) IUCN 2001
European Heritage Planning and Management
Edited by Gregory Ashworth,Peter Howard Copyright 1999 Intellect Ltd?
Guidance on the development of legislation and administration systems in the field of cultural heritage /TECHNICAL CO-OPERATION AND CONSULTANCY PROGRAMME
銆€ Council of Europe 2008-08
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