Asia-Pacific World Heritage Center (Shanghai) Chinese drawing room library catalog
No. Front cover Book Name Author Press Date Category
Japan Japan
HUMAN USE OF WORLD HERITAGE NATURAL SITES: A GLOBAL OVERVIEW /A Contribution to the Global Theme Study of World Heritage Natural Sites /IUCN Gland, Switzerland September 1997
Prepared by Jim Thorsell,Renee Ferster Levy and Todd Sigaty IUCN
A GLOBAL OVERVIEW OF WETLAND AND MARINE PROTECTED AREAS ON THE WORLD HERITAGE LIST /A Contribution to the Global Theme Study of World Heritage Natural Sites /IUCN Gland, Switzerland September 1997
Prepared by Jim Thorsell,Renee Ferster Levy and Todd Sigaty IUCN
EARTH'S GEOLOGICAL HISTORY: A CONTEXTUAL FRAMEWORK FOR ASSESSMENT OF WORLD HERITAGE FOSSIL SITE NOMINATIONS /A Contribution to the Global Theme tudy of World Heritage Natural Sites /IUCN Gland, Switzerland September 1996
Prepared by Assoc.Prof.Roderick T.Wells IUCN
A GLOBAL OVERVIEW OF FOREST PROTECTED AREAS ON THE WORLD HERITAGELIST /A Contribution to the Global Theme Study of World Heritage Natural Sites /IUCN Gland, Switzerland September 1997
Prepared by Jim Thorsell and Todd Sigaty IUCN
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