Asia-Pacific World Heritage Center (Shanghai) Chinese drawing room library catalog
No. Front cover Book Name Author Press Date Category
Sustainable Financing of Protected Areas:A global review of challenges and options /Best Practice Protected Area Guidelines Series No.13
Lucy Emerton, Joshua Bishop and Lee Thomas IUCN-The World Conservation Union 2006
OUR PEOPLE,OUR RESOURCES: Issues in Social Policy
Thomans Barton, Grazia Borrini-Feyerabend, etc. IUCN-The World Conservation Union銆€ 1997
Beyond Fences:Seeking Social Sustainability in Conservation/VOLUME 1:A Process Companion
Grazia Borrini-Feyerabend IUCN-The World Conservation Union銆€ 1997
Security Considerations in the Planning and Management of Transboundary Conservation Areas / Based on workshops conducted in southern and eastern Africa in 2002 and 2003/ IUCN/WCPA Task Force on Transboundary Conservation with support from InWEnt
Leo Braack, Trevor Sandwith, David Peddle and Thomas Petermann IUCN-The World Conservation Union 2006
RESOLUTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS:People and Nature-only one world (World Conservation Congress, Bangkok,Thailana,17-25 November 2004)
Tim Jones and Tim Davis IUCN-The World Conservation Union 2005
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