Asia-Pacific World Heritage Center (Shanghai) Chinese drawing room library catalog
No. Front cover Book Name Author Press Date Category
Speaking a Common Language
Written,edited and coordinated by Kevin Bishop,Nigel Dudley,Adrin Phillips and Sue Stolton Published by Cardiff University,IUCN 2004
Policy Matters:IUCN Commission on Environmental,Economic& Social Policy History,Culture & Conservation
IUCN IUCN 2004-11-13
Conservation of Living Religious Heritage / Papers from the ICCROM 2003 Forum on Living Religious Heritage:conserving the sacred /ICCROM CONSERVATION STUDIES 3
EDITORS :Herb Stovel,Nicholas Stanley-Price,Robert Killick ICCROM 2005
Conservation Historic Buildings
THIRD EDITION锛欱ERNARD M FEILDEN Elsevier/ Architectural Press
Communicating Protected Areas (Commisson on Education and Communication)
Editors:Denise Hamu,Elisabeth Auchincloss and Wendy Goldstein IUCN-The World Conservation Union 2004
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