Asia-Pacific World Heritage Center (Shanghai) Chinese drawing room library catalog
No. Front cover Book Name Author Press Date Category
World Heritage report 22/Climate Change and World Heritage/Report on predicting and managing the impacts of climate change on World Heritage and Strategy to assist States Parties to implement appropriate management responses
United Nations Educational,Scintific and Cultural Organization Published in may 2007 by UNESCO World Heritage Centre 2007-5
Guidance on heritage assessment:"Our cultural diversity is what unites us" /Document prepared within the framework of the Technical Co-operation and Consultancy Programme
Editor: Gattaini Battaini-Dragonl Council of Europe September 2005
Architectural Conservation
Aylin Orbasli Blackwell Publishing
managing World heritage Sites
Anna Leask and Alan Fyall B H(Butterworth-Heinemann
Protected Areas and the Regional Planning Imperative in North America
J.G.Nelson,J.c.Day,and Lucy Sportza, editors, with Carlos Israel Vazquez, and James Loucky Unaversity of Calgary Press Michigan State University Press
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