Asia-Pacific World Heritage Center (Shanghai) Chinese drawing room library catalog
No. Front cover Book Name Author Press Date Category
Vivre et faire Vivre les paysages du Val de Loire Comprendre,gerer et construire notre cadre cadre de vie
銆€ Juin 2005-Conception et realisation Christophe Bonte
World Heritage Challenges for the Millennium
UNESCO 2007 銆€
World Heritage--Challenges for the Millennium
Francesco BANDARIN UNESCO World Heritage Center 2007-1-1
World Natural Heritage and Cultural Landscapes in Europe:The potential of Europe's World Natural Heritage
Andrea Burmester,Barbara Engels and Birgit Scheuerbrandt BfN(Bundesamt fur Naturschutz 2005
Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention(WHC.08/01 January 2008)
銆€ UNESCO World Heritage Center 2008
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