Fujian Tulou Conservation Planning, China
Author:ZHANG Song  PublishDate:2011-10-24  Hits:10368


Located in southwestern mountain area in Fujian province, the Tulou architectural complex is traditional vernacular dwellings with distinctive features of regional culture. They have complete defensive system, and are suitable for large families to live together as a community. As an outstanding example of technology and cultural landscape, Fujian Tulou reflects the interaction between people and the environment and has high historical, artistic, scientific and social value. Since 1999, the government of Yongding County, the government of Nanjing County, Shanghai Tongji Urban Planning & Design Institute, National Research Center of Historic City at Tongji University, and the local villagers have been closely cooperated with each other to compile and implement the Fujian Tulou Conservation Planning.

The Conservation Planning takes into comprehensive consideration the rules in the Law on Cultural Relics Protection, the Operation Guide of the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, and the Administrative Measures for the Protection of World Culture Heritage. According to the space pattern features and landform conditions of the old villages, the protection regionalization and Technical regulations for its management are formulate. The Plan follows the Authenticity principle of cultural heritage conservation, and strives to maintain the integrity of the landscape of Tulou Community. Through architectural preservation, environmental protection and infrastructure modernization, it promotes the adapting of Tulou buildings to modern life style, realizes the goal of actively protecting historical environment, and strengthens the sustainability of the development of Tulou community.



The Conservation Planning also gives consideration to the environmental capacity of cultural resources. Based on the principle of sustainable utilization, it coordinated the relationship among the development of tourism and resource, the protection of environment, and the improvement of the residents’ life. Adopting the protection method combining the improvement of overall environment and the renovation of each single building, a useful exploration is made into the general protection of local historical landscape and regional natural scenery, and remarkable results achieved in the regulation project regarding the promotion of the surrounding environment. The Plan is not only the main criteria for the preservation of Tulou buildings and the improvement of environment, but also an important material in the application for world heritage. July 7th, 2008, in the World Heritage Conference in Quebec, Canada, Fujian Tulou was officially enlisted into the World Heritage List. Moreover, the Fujian Tulou Conservation Planning won the Award of Distinction in the 2008 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage Awards for Culture Heritage Conservation.

Provided by Prof. ZHANG Song, College of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP), Tongji University

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