Ripple Action: Empowering Youth for Heritage
Author:WHITRAP  PublishDate:2023-12-27  Hits:82
During the winter vacation in 2023, WHITRAP Shanghai and the Charity Team Beautiful Nostalgia of Tongji University continued to launch the sixth phase of the Ripple Action - Landscape Homes, which developed three major tracks: rural landscape wisdom, urban landscape temperament, and Chinese landscape heritage. The 6th Ripple Action cooperated deeply with local organizations and institutions, and opened special projects for Zhejiang Agricultural Cultural Heritage, Fuzhou Inland Waterway, and Pingnan, Fujian Province. From 12th to 19th May, 2023, Operation Ripple launched the inaugural Ripple Youth Festival to provide a diverse platform for Ripple youth to showcase their talents. From 30th October to 1st November, the 2023 World Youth Development Forum was held in Beijing. The Ripple Action: Empowering Youth for Heritage was successfully selected.
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