The 25th session of Chinese National Commission for UNESCO
  PublishDate:2007-09-20  Hits:3033

The 25th session of Chinese National Commission for UNESCO

The 25th session of Chinese National Commission for UNESCO meeting was held in Beijing on Sep 10th, 2007. Representatives from membership ministries and commissions, the municipal education departments, UNESCO category II center, and research institutions, universities, as well as news media participated in this meeting.

Mr. TIAN Xiaogang, the Secretary-General of the Chinese National Commission for UNESCO, outlined the progress of the preparations for the 34th UNESCO General Conference. He emphasized the significant role of the Medium-term Strategy (C4) and the Draft Resolution of 2008-2009 (C5) in defining future activities.

During the meeting, Mr. TAO Xiping, Chairman of National Federation of UNESCO Association of China and former Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of National People's Congress in Beijing; Mr. SUN Honglie, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences; and Mr. TIAN Qing, Vice Dean of the Chinese Academy of Art, addressed developments of hinese education system, science program, and conservation of intangible cultural heritage in their notable speeches.

H.E. Mr. ZHANG Xinsheng, Vice Minister of Education, Chairman of Chinese National Commission for UNESCO, and Chairman of the UNESCO Executive Board, delivered a speech on how to integrate international organizations for the peace and development in China. He pointed out, with its increasing overall national power, China has played a more active and better role in UNESCO, which promoted the development of our education, science and culture program, as well as international influence. Recently, the program of education for all, international cooperation in high education, maintaining marine rights, application for the World Heritage Site, Geo-Park and the Memory of the World have aroused noticeable concerns. H.E. Zhang also emphasized that we should avail ourselves of the UNESCO as an international platform to cultivate skillful people in the field of international and multilateral affairs.
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