The 2007 Workshop of UNESCO Chair in Landscape and Environmental Design
  PublishDate:2007-11-22  Hits:2890
From Nov. 6th to Nov. 15th, the 2007 Workshop of UNESCO Chair in Landscape and Environmental Design was held in Ganghwado Island, Inchon, Korea, the theme of which was “Boundary, City Interface and Enhancement of Historical Landscape in City”. 10 teachers and 48 students, who came from 10 universities of 6 countries (Canada, Italy, Korea, Lebanon, Tunis and Morocoo, that joined the chair network), participated in the workshop.

As the main part of the Workshop, academic symposium was held to discuss the issues on how to control the changing landscape effectively in the process of city expanding. Experts from Korea, Italy and Canada expressed their opinions. Ms. SHAO Yong, Chinese representative, introduced the problems raised during the development of World Heritage site - Lijiang Ancient Town, and introduced the corresponding solutions. It made the experts and students more interested in the issues that developing China are facing.
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