The 10th Anniversary of Suzhou Classical Gardens' Inscription on the World Heritage List and Forum on the Protection of Traditional Architecture of World Heritage Properties
  PublishDate:2007-12-18  Hits:3186

on the scene

5th Dec. 2007, the 10th Anniversary of Suzhou Classical Gardens' Inscription on the World Heritage List and Forum on the protection of Traditional Architecture of World Heritage Properties was held in Suzhou successfully. It was organized by Chinese National Commission for UNESCO, and co-organized by UNESCO World Heritage Institute of Training and Research-Asia and Pacific (Suzhou). The forum focused on the latest restoration concepts and methods of traditional architecture based on the 'Beijing Document on the Conservation and Restoration of Historic Buildings in East Asia'. Many experts, who came from the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, Chinese National Commission for UNESCO, Norway's ICOMOS and other famous institutes as well as universities worldwide, had a in-depth discussion on several issues concerning world heritage conservation, such as 'Conservation of the Colored Paintings on the Ancient Architectures in the Palace Museum', 'the Evolution of Timber Beam structure in Norway's Northern Region' and 'the Technical Specifications of German's Architectural Heritage Protection and its utilization in China' etc.
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